Our Program Offerings
We offer one-on-one coaching, lectures, seminars, workshops, full-day and multi-day retreats that will both help your organization to realize its full potential and create environments where all people can thrive.
Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
We deeply value diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in all aspects of our work. Our firm is committed to creating inclusive spaces and promoting cultural competency. We will incorporate specific modules and discussions on cultural differences in communication styles to ensure effective collaboration among staff members with diverse backgrounds. For the past decade we have worked with organizations to create more inclusive environments and equitable systems. All of our work is done through this lens.
Center for Courage & Renewal Retreats ™
These 3-day retreats, lead by a certified Courage and Renewal facilitator, allow professionals time to reconnect their individual soul with their professional role.
Coaching (for Leadership Development)
Coaching supports the individual in identifying, designing, and implementing professional development plans on a topic of his/her choosing. Topics may include increasing self-awareness, job transition, leadership competency development, stretch assignments, and developing critical thinking and decision-making skills.
1:1 and Group Coaching
Coaching can provide critical support to individuals and teams in navigating through challenge, decision-making, reduction in escalations, behavioral change, and increased self/social awareness. During challenging times coaching can be key for processing and reducing fallouts of eroded trust.
Communication & Listening Skills
In most professions, communicating with others is how we do the majority of our work. Learning effective communication and listening skills can transform work environments.
Emotional Intelligence
Studies demonstrate at least 67% of professional success is contingent on an individual’s EQ (emotional quotient). Learn skills in self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management in order to maximize your personal and professional impact.
Falling in Love with Feedback
Feedback can be a dreaded component of leadership and supervision, but it does not have to be. Learn the joyful art of feedback that supports the growth of the individual.
Goals & Roles
Most dysfunctions within a team stem from individuals holding different definitions of success. We will facilitate processes to help teams clarify and define goals and roles within organizations, so that teams can move forward.
Leadership Development Programming
Leadership development programming ranges from 1-hour meetings to 12-month programs. Talk to us about designing a personalized program that meets the leadership development needs of your organization.
Leading Positive Change
Leading change is one of the most challenging tasks of leadership. We look at the psychological immunities to change and explore how neuroanatomy impacts our relationship to change. We work with organizations providing wrap-around support to create lasting, positive change. We support organizations through crisis so they can come out stronger than ever.
Leading Through Challenge
This program equips leaders to lead their organizations through difficult, challenging, or traumatic events.
Motivating Employees
Understanding the science behind motivation helps us to ensure that environments tap into people’s intrinsic desire to bring the best of themselves to their work.
Performance Evaluations
Everyone should look forward to performance evaluation time. If that is not the case, let us help you reinvent this vital component of professional development.
Performance Management
Supervisors who understand the essential components of performance management know how to ensure their teams thrive.
Organizational/Program Assessment
We offer both qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate and appraise the true impact of your organization. We work to train organizational staff and volunteers in order to conduct their own assessment methods.
Self-Esteem in the Workplace
Self-Esteem in the workplace is the single most important component of organizational success. Come to understand the critical importance of self-esteem, and how it is vital for both employees and the organization.
Strategic Planning
We facilitate strategic planning processes; this engages staff at all levels in a look below the water line of the organization to shape its future.
Systemic-Change Mapping
This mapping process will identify the lynchpin that needs to be addressed in order to disrupt systemic dysfunction within an organization or team.
Time Prioritization and Email Management
Alleviate stress and make the most out of your time. Support includes how to prioritize, systematize, and influence email culture.
Facilitated Dialogue
We work with colleagues or teams to repair trust, improve communication, and mediate disputes.