Brain Circuit Types and How They Are Mapped

Brain Circuit Types is a tool to deepen your understanding and perspectives of your greatest strengths and the strengths of those around you by identifying neurocognitive loops.

Awareness of brain types can give language to how people work with and interact with others. And why you have a pet peeve about your co-worker’s meeting agenda or your how your friend “plans” outings.

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Justin James
Why Qualitative Research is Critical for Recovery

Leaders are struggling with an over-reliance on quantitative surveys due to their relative ease of use. The challenge is that when in crisis, even the most well-written surveys cannot get to the complexities, cultural nuance, and organizational layers that feed and fuel strengths and liabilities.

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Kate Sheppard
Vulnerable Cheerleader Leadership and the Costs to Organizations

Leaders are experiencing fatigue attempting to hit this exact target of being vulnerable enough but not too vulnerable, maintaining a façade of optimism while putting aside their own pain and grief. What vulnerability leaders are demonstrating is tempered by either the strategic modeling of this vulnerability or the rupture of the façade (leaders reaching a breaking point in self-management and breaking down).

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Kate Sheppard